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WebAssembly SIMD Example

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Unlike other blockchains, the Internet Computer supports WebAssembly SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) instructions. This, combined with state-of-the-art Rust compiler support, opens new horizons for the Internet Computer.

This example showcases different approaches to utilizing the new SIMD instructions: Rust auto-vectorization and SIMD intrinsics for matrix multiplication, a core operation in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence applications. The example compares various SIMD optimization techniques and their potential speedups.

The example consists of a canister named mat_mat_mul (matrix-matrix multiplication).


This example requires an installation of:

  • Install the IC SDK. Note: the WebAssembly SIMD support requires dfx version 0.20.2-beta.0 or later.
  • Clone the example dapp project: git clone

Example 1: Floating point matrices multiplications

  • Step 1.1: Begin by opening a terminal window and navigating into the project's directory

cd examples/rust/simd
  • Step 1.2: Start a clean local Internet Computer replica and a web server

dfx stop
dfx start --clean

This terminal will stay blocked, printing log messages, until the Ctrl+C is pressed or dfx stop command is run.

Example output:

% dfx stop && dfx start --clean
Running dfx start for version 0.20.2-beta.0
Dashboard: http://localhost:63387/_/dashboard
  • Step 1.3: Open another terminal window in the same directory

cd examples/rust/simd
  • Step 1.4: Compile and deploy mat_mat_mul canister

dfx deploy

Example output:

% dfx deploy
Deployed canisters.
Backend canister via Candid interface:
  • Step 1.5: Compare the amount of instructions used for different matrix multiplication implementations

Call a loop performing 1K element-wise multiplications of K x 4 packed slices from matrices A and B using optimized algorithm, the same algorithm with Rust auto-vectorization enabled, and WebAssembly SIMD instructions:

dfx canister call mat_mat_mul optimized_f32
dfx canister call mat_mat_mul auto_vectorized_f32
dfx canister call mat_mat_mul simd_f32

Example output:

% dfx canister call mat_mat_mul optimized_f32
(168_542_255 : nat64)
% dfx canister call mat_mat_mul auto_vectorized_f32
(13_697_228 : nat64)
% dfx canister call mat_mat_mul simd_f32
(13_697_228 : nat64)

In this example, Rust's auto-vectorization shines in optimizing matrix multiplication. The auto-vectorized code achieves over 10x speedup compared to the optimized version! Also, it's on par with the hand-crafted WebAssembly SIMD multiplication.

It's important to note that the optimized code's performance is currently limited due to a known issue with NaN canonicalization in wasmtime. This issue has been fixed by DFINITY, but not yet released at the time of writing.

Example 2: Integer matrices multiplications

  • Step 2.1: Begin by opening a terminal window and navigating into the project's directory

cd examples/rust/simd
  • Step 2.2: Start a clean local Internet Computer replica and a web server

dfx stop
dfx start --clean

This terminal will stay blocked, printing log messages, until the Ctrl+C is pressed or dfx stop command is run.

Example output:

% dfx stop && dfx start --clean
Running dfx start for version 0.20.2-beta.0
Dashboard: http://localhost:63387/_/dashboard
  • Step 2.3: Open another terminal window in the same directory

cd examples/rust/simd
  • Step 2.4: Compile and deploy mat_mat_mul canister

dfx deploy

Example output:

% dfx deploy
Deployed canisters.
Backend canister via Candid interface:
  • Step 2.5: Compare the amount of instructions used for different matrix multiplication implementations

Call a loop performing 1K element-wise multiplications of K x 4 packed slices from matrices A and B using optimized algorithm and the same algorithm with Rust auto-vectorization enabled:

dfx canister call mat_mat_mul optimized_u32
dfx canister call mat_mat_mul auto_vectorized_u32

Example output:

% dfx canister call mat_mat_mul optimized_u32
(32_342_253 : nat64)
% dfx canister call mat_mat_mul auto_vectorized_u32
(16_164_254 : nat64)

Rust auto-vectorization again demonstrates its power in this example. The auto-vectorized version of the integer matrix multiplication achieves more than a 2x speedup compared to the original code.

Further learning

  1. Have a look at the locally running dashboard. The URL is at the end of the dfx start command: Dashboard: http://localhost/...
  2. Check out mat_mat_mul canister Candid user interface. The URLs are at the end of the dfx deploy command: mat_mat_mul:

Canister interface

The mat_mat_mul canister provide the following interface:

  • naive_f32/naive_u32 returns the number of instructions used for a loop performing 1K element-wise multiplications of matrices A and B using naive algorithm.
  • optimized_f32/optimized_u32 returns the number of instructions used for a loop performing 1K element-wise multiplications of K x 4 packed slices from matrices A and B using optimized algorithm.
  • auto_vectorized_f32/auto_vectorized_u32 returns the number of instructions used for a loop performing 1K element-wise multiplications of K x 4 packed slices from matrices A and B using Rust loop auto-vectorization.
  • simd_f32 Returns the number of instructions used for a loop performing 1K element-wise multiplications of K x 4 packed slices from matrices A and B using WebAssembly SIMD instructions.

Example usage:

dfx canister call mat_mat_mul naive_f32


WebAssembly SIMD instructions unlock new possibilities for the Internet Computer, particularly in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence dApps. This example demonstrates potential 10x speedups for matrix multiplication with minimal effort using just Rust's loop auto-vectorization.

As shown in Example 2, integer operations also benefit, although with a more modest "2x" speedup.

The actual speedups will vary depending on the specific application and the type of operations involved.

Security considerations and best practices

If you base your application on this example, we recommend you familiarize yourself with and adhere to the security best practices for developing on the Internet Computer. This example may not implement all the best practices.